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  Used Cars Report  

Frequently Asked Questions:

My car was repossessed and now I need a car!
There are lenders will look at your time at job and your monthly income too. Your down payment could help a lot and also the rest of your credit.

My credit score is too low, Do I have a chance to get a car loan?
Yes, there are more and more banks or auto lenders that will loan money to those with low credit scores. You have nothing to lose so get pre-approved now and our preferred dealers will contact you as soon as possible.

I don't have any down payment so can I still get a car loan?
There are so money programs available for customers with no money down. After you get yourself pre-approved then our dealer affiliate will contact you to discuss all kinds of plans. Don't forget that there is some manufacture's rebate on new car so it could be used as your down payment for your new car or truck.

I am in the market but not quite ready to buy a car since I don't have very good credit, what would you suggest?
You can get pre-approved before you go car shopping and make sure to ask our nationwide preferred dealer for the latest manufacturer specials.


Top 5 Most Common Auto Loan Quesions:

Do I need a co-signer to get a car Loan?
You may be required by the creditor to have a co-signer sign the finance contract with you in order to make up for any deficiencies in your credit history.
But there are more and more lenders and auto finance companies that can help you with a first time buyer program.

Is there any auto loan for recent college Graduates?

Yes, there are some lenders with special programs for college graduates. It's depends on your credit history also but if you have a limited credit and just got a job after your graduation then you have a great chance to get a car loan.

Can I get a car loan after my bankruptcy?

It's not impossible, I have been getting auto loan approvals for people with chapter 7 or chapter 13. It's all depends on your overall credit reports, which bank you are applying for and cash down payment. I have seen it with no cash down and chapter 7 in credit report , just try to get pre-approved for it. If you are in chapter 13 then you have to ask your trustee for approval and maximum payment that you can afford.

Can I get pre-approved if I am upside-down on my trade?

Yes you can, there are so many incentives and rebates from manufacturers out there that you can use toward your negative equity. Just apply to get pre-approved and go from there.

Can I be self-employed and qualify for an auto loan?
I have some late payments history. Yes, you can get pre-approved for car or truck if you are self employed with late payments history.
  Used Cars Report  

Buick, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Jeep, Lincoln, Ram, Tesla Motors,  Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki, Toyota, Subaru, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Porsche. Volkswagen, Kia, Hyundai

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